Wiccan Rede

Bide within the Law ye must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak ye little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light guide us again.

Heed the flower, bush, and tree; by the Lady blessed be.
Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright thy cheeks and warm thy heart.

Lest in self-defense it be, ever mind the Rule of Three.
Heed the Three-fold Laws ye should, three times bad and three times good.

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:

"An’ It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

This daily recital is a simple reminder that the universe consists of forces that control, laws that bind, but possibilities that are endless. Here is an unabridged version of the Rede. It tells a good story, remaining respectful to the simplicity that surrounds us.